Азия: Армения
91 видео
Armenia | Journey to eternity | Promotional Video
DOMINO Production was founded in 2009 and is specialized in audio/video content production, TV series production, 2D/3D animation, VFX, and shooting of music videos and films. 
Nowadays Domino Production is considered to be one of the leading companies in Armenia, implementing and providing promotional and marketing services, PR campaigns and conceptual development of company branding. The company also carries out post production, photo sessions, concert and event organization and the management of other various projects, granting its productions with innovative and creative ideas.

More about DOMINO Production: www.dominoproduction.am 

Subscribe to DOMINO Production: http://bit.do/DOMINOProduction

Follow DOMINO Production here:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DominoVideoP...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/twitt_domino
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