Африка: Камерун
6 видео
Cameroon Latter-day Saints Journey to Aba Nigeria Temple
Опубликовано: 26.05.2017
President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicated the Aba Nigeria Temple on Sunday, August 7, 2005. Two weeks later a courageous group of Saints from Cameroon boarded two mini-buses and headed to the temple. The two branches of the Church in Cameroon are Douala and Yaounde. Members from both branches were included in this trip. As the crow flies, Aba is only about 175 miles west of Douala. Douala is 125 miles west of Yaounde. The roads from Douala to Aba are not direct, nor are they paved.
These Saints, accompanied by Elder and Sister Badger, set off on a real life adventure.
Original website: http://www.bsmarkham.com/mission/Africa/Aug%2005/aba.html
These Saints, accompanied by Elder and Sister Badger, set off on a real life adventure.
Original website: http://www.bsmarkham.com/mission/Africa/Aug%2005/aba.html